Sunday, August 7, 2011

Ok, its been awhile.

I am really bad at blogging. I have decided, I am just REALLY bad at it. Haha! I constantly forget. So here I am, trying to remember. Its torrential outside, which is really depressing when you live in gorgeous, [normally] sunny Miami Beach. But in a way its nice, I have my darling boyfriend home for the first time in weeks. We were on vacation, and then he went into work (he's a chef at the Mondrian Hotel... for 11 days straight. Today, the first rainy day we've had in weeks, is his first day off. Typical.

I've been keeping myself quite busy though! I've come up with a few new lines for White Bear! My personal favorite I think is the "Artist Dyed Lace" pieces. I find these to be fun, unique and exciting! Check out these new creations HERE.

Otherwise, I've been selling TONS of feather extensions! They are so much fun for me too. I love creating new color combos and making women out there happy while expressing themselves in new cool ways. It's also driven a ton of traffic to my shop, so I've sold a bunch of jewelry. Overall, life is pretty good right now. I got a new sectional for our apartment and it's becoming really difficult to get off of it...whoops.

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